Photographer Florence Mann – Fashion Editor Chelsey Clarke – Model Charlotte Robinson at Milk Models – Interview by Jude Fusetti // Vest Cenci Vintage – Underwear Pico // Underwear Miss Crofton

Shirt Gucci // Shoes Jil Sander

Dress Jil Sander – Underwear Cou Cou Intimates (customized by Charlotte) // Corset Customized by Stylist – Underwear Pico
I saw your art, from your paintings to your pottery. Do you prefer to create art as or to be a part of the artwork itself?
I love both, and I’m so lucky to be able to do both at the same time. Some modeling jobs make me feel like a piece of art. My mind right now is where I’ve felt like a real-life Renaissance sculpture. It’s such a privilege to be viewed in that way by others, but it was quite an adjustment at the start to tap into that confidence and celebrate myself like that. In 2022, I decided to start a painting degree because I knew I had more skills and creativity within myself. Now, I paint and model alongside each other, and it’s a good way to split my time and find balance and meaning in my life. I study and live in Brighton, where the pace of life is slower, and you can enjoy nature a little more freely. I mainly paint abstract landscapes, and, I think that’s to embrace what makes me happy outside of modeling. Then, I can step outside of this slower feeling and enjoy the faster pace of modeling when I go up to London or other cities. I’m always seeking balance, and I think that search comes across in my paintings.

Shirt Gucci – Underwear Cou Cou Intimates // Underwear Cou Cou Intimates (customized by Charlotte)
Your Instagram account is like your diary, giving us a little peak of your life. Would you say it gave you more or less confidence posting about yourself?
I must admit: I adore Instagram and consistently have since I first created an account at school, posting photos of my Cath Kidston bags and floral bedsheets. When I was younger, I was creative but quiet and shy, so Instagram allowed me to quietly express myself in the visual ways I wanted to. This resonates with me and, amazingly, we can all have our own space there to express ourselves. When I started sharing my paintings with the world on Instagram it allowed me to dip my toes into the painting world but from the comfort of what was familiar. I find Instagram so useful in modeling because you get a chance to have full control over your image, and you can reinforce the type of model you are/want to be.
What is something that makes you feel confident? Have you always been comfortable in your body or was it a gradual process?
This is an amusing topic to me. When I started modeling, I’d post about body positivity, and people would ask me how to feel more confident, so I felt like I had the authority to advise on this. Now, I realize that being a curve model doesn’t mean you have body acceptance all figured out, even though the job is ultimately about celebrating your body. Some days, I’m very critical of my body. The positive feedback loop you can get into on Instagram feels good, but confidence is ultimately from within, and it comes and goes in waves like everything in life. I’m not convinced about the answers, but I feel best in my body when I’m having a fun, wholesome day, and I feel connected to the meaningful things in life.

Shirt and Dress Valentino – Underwear Miss Crofton // Skirt Customized by Stylist
What fascinates you most about the fashion world? Do you think it’s art?
Within the fashion world, I’d say that being able to work with photographers and the dynamics around them fascinate me the most. I love photography and find it fun to work with photographers, creating a mood board with all the references from the past that excite you and make something beautiful. I love the feeling of nostalgia or capturing the feeling of friendship. One of my best friends, Milly Cope, is an amazing photographer and we shoot together a lot. I feel very seen by her. I love the way she views the world. So, being able to be captured by her is very precious. Taking a photograph of someone in a beautiful way is a gift.
What is a modeling project you feel most proud of?
There are so many that I feel so happy about. The one that always pops into my head is a shoot for Victoria’s Secret Pink. The experience was so surreal. The shooting was spread over ten days. We shot first in New York, then, we went to a woodland in San Diego, then the desert in Palm Springs. I remember everything about the trip so clearly because I was in awe the whole time. Being taken to these places and making memories in a job that is so exciting, felt unreal. Another highlight is my Elle Denmark cover. It was such a milestone to hit, and it was shot in Copenhagen which was a city I wanted to see. When I look at those photos, I see my natural happy self. One day, I’ll show them to my grandchildren and say: ‘Look how cool your granny was’.

Jumper Alaia – Underwear Pico
What are some dynamics in your work that you would like to change?
There are some dynamics, in how my brain relates to the nature of modeling, that I’ve found burdensome, and that have taught me to adapt and be more flexible. Not knowing when your next job is can be a bit stressful. You’ve got to put your trust in the process. That’s what’s partially so exciting about the job because you don’t know what’s coming for you next, and it could be a life-changing job. Over the last couple of years, my acne was getting worse, and I found that quite hard to manage mentally. I felt like a model ‘shouldn’t have acne’; so whilst I’ve been practicing acceptance around my body, I wasn’t applying that compassion to my skin.
Do you think the fashion world needs to be more inclusive in runways and campaigns for what concerns body types and sizes?
Yes, I’d love to see a proper integration of this everywhere! Progress has brought brands to expand their size ranges and employ curve models, so that’s amazing to see, but I think there can be even more of this. If I’m shopping for trousers, it’s not unusual for me not to fit into the largest size the shop offers, and I find that so weird! I’ve experienced mean comments online that baffle me. I’ve seen comments under campaigns I’m in saying rude things about my body. It doesn’t upset me too much, but it confuses and disappoints me. It shouldn’t disturb people that much to see a curvy body in an advert, so it’s vital, that curve models are employed. It’s powerful to unapologetically take up space in the fashion world, and I’m proud to be a part of that. I’m lucky with my agencies. They create a very safe space with body changes. My size has fluctuated over the six years that I’ve been modeling. It’s not even mentioned, when I go into the agency. It’s not a conversation with them unless I want it to be, and I think that’s amazing.

Jacket Givenchy – Underwear Stylist’s Own // Silk Scarves Slow & Sow – Denim Acne Studios – Underwear Miss Crofton
Do you feel like sometimes models who don’t fit the stereotype are tokenized to make a brand seem more inclusive when actually it is not?
As someone who’s white and in between straight size and plus size, I’m in a privileged position, so I don’t feel used as a token. My experiences around my identity on shoots are positive and I fit into most of the clothes. A lot of the time brands are excited to shoot curve models. There have been some points where I’ve been told ‘You’re our first ever curve model!’ and it’s been a nice warm feeling of celebration on the day. I find it contradictory when curve models are used but the size ranges are really limited and don’t go above a Large for example, I feel like this shows the brand isn’t fully in support of inclusivity and maybe some tokenism is there. Another way to see if a model is a token is to look into how diverse the brand’s employees are.

Jacket Givenchy – Underwear Stylist’s Own
What advice would you give to a young person that wants to start a modeling career or is at the beginning of this journey?
I would say to expect a schedule that’s unpredictable sometimes. Also, keep exploring skills and things you love doing alongside modeling because that helps you to stay grounded and have a nice balance in life. Sign up to an agency that is excited about you and to be yourself!

Dress Jil Sander – Underwear Cou Cou Intimates (Customized by Charlotte)