Shot by Pavel Golik – Fashion Editor Diletta Ariano – Grooming Davide Marrone – Set Design Alice Ariano – Casting Isadora Banaudi – Fashion Assistant Benedetta Paganini // Total Look Pierre-Louis Mascia
When did you first get into modeling?
I got scouted in September.
If you weren’t a model, what would you be?
A pilot in the air force.
As there are lots of misconceptions about modeling, I’d like to ask you what the best (and worst) part of your job really is.
When I say that I’m a model, people normally ask me If I’m homosexual. I hate this kind of clichés, I hate when people take things for granted.
Do you have any ‘secret talents’?
Yes, but if I said it, it would no longer be a secret.
New or recycled?
Recycled, everything has its own story!
What’s your spirit animal?
My spirit animal is ‘Spirit’, a famous horse, and sometimes I’d like to be a bear.

Shirt Rold Skov // Total Look Marni
Car or bike?
Are you into reading?
Yes, I read more or less one book a week!
What do you have for breakfast?
Toast with butter, a lot of butter, and marmalade.
Are you into thrift shopping?
Sometimes, when I travel, I like to look for cheap, vintage stuff.
Has your personal style changed since you started modeling?
Not too much, it stayed more or less the same.
What’s that one thing you had to wear for a job and wished you could bring home?
It’s a very warm and cool jacket. I wore it when I had to do a campaign, and I would have brought it home with me.

Total Look Marni // Trench Acne Studios
Do you have any style-related advice on how to stand out from the crowd?
Just believe in yourself!
What’s in your suitcase?
Books and photographies.
Any childhood nicknames?
No, not really…
What’s your favourite pastime?
My favourite pastimes are filming at the sea and listening to music.
If your life was a movie. Who would play you?
For sure, Matthew McConaughey!
What’s your favourite song?
My favourite song is ‘Ciao mamma’ by Jovanotti.

Total Look Gucci // Sweatshirt COS